Native Women’s Equal Pay Day

November 29, 2022

November 30th is Native Women’s Equal Pay Day signifying the day a Native Woman must work into the new year to make what a white, non-Hispanic man made the year before. Native Women earn just 51 cents for every dollar making them the second lowest-paid group.  You can learn more about the Native Women’s pay…

By 9to5

Working women demand wage parity on Equal Pay Day

March 15, 2022

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMar.15, 2022Contact: Kristin Kepplinger (212-255-2572 or ATLANTA — Tuesday, March 15, is Equal Pay Day, which spotlights the gender pay gap by marking the date that women must work into the next year to be paid what men were paid in the previous year. Leng Leng Chancey, the executive director of 9to5,…

By 9to5

Take Action: Help Close the Pay Gap in GA

February 25, 2021

Join 9to5 GA for a Digital Day of Action on March 4! This virtual lobby day will focus on supporting the passage of HB55, which would ban employers from requesting a prospective employee’s salary history.  Women and POCs are still paid less for doing the same jobs as their white, male counterparts— salary histories reflect…

By 9to5

