Paid leave is essential for the economic security of all workers and is a policy with widespread bipartisan support, but some politicians continue to resist it at the local, state, and federal level. While many states and local governments have successfully implemented some form of paid leave, millions of workers across the country still face an impossible decision: take care of myself or a loved one and miss a paycheck or go to work. The United States remains the only high-income nation in the world without a national paid leave policy, including parental leave, sick leave, medical leave, or family care leave.
9to5 Georgia, in partnership with the Georgia Coalition for Paid Leave, is releasing Dollars and Sense: A Cost/Benefit Analysis of Paid Leave in Georgia to outline the need for paid leave for all Georgians, the support it has across the state, and how it can be funded. Inside the report is a wealth of information that can support all of us as we fight for paid leave at the national, state, or local level.