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Mobile home parks are the largest form of unsubsidized affordable housing options left for Coloradans – yet thousands of current residents at risk of displacement due to a lack of oversight and transparency within their parks.

All Coloradans deserve a stable place to call home, no matter their age, race, or ability. Protections for Mobile Home Park Residents (HB22-1287) state bill will give power back to mobile home residents who are trying to stay housed. In summary, this bill will:

  • Extends time periods and clarifies the information that residents receive related to an opportunity to purchase their park when it goes up for sale.
  • Allows residents to assign their ability to purchase the park to a public entity on behalf of the residents.
  • Increases protections if a park owner decides to change the use of land including 12-month notice, assistance with relocation costs, or payment if the home can not be moved.
  • Gives the Attorney General ability to enforce, investigate, and bring legal action for violations of previously passed mobile home park protections.
  • Gives the Division of Housing authority to expedite health and safety complaints, conduct investigations, issue cease and desist orders, and collect fines if appropriate.
  • Ensures the majority of communications from landlords to residents is in English and Spanish.
  • Requires that park owners maintain records related to rent increases, lease agreements, and park rules and regulations.

9to5 Colorado is putting HB22-1287 on the forefront of our legislative agenda this session because of our fierce commitment to housing justice within the mobile homeowner community. We need as much support from our community as possible to hit the ground running and enact this revolutionary policy.

Fill out this form to get involved with our Mobile Home Rights campaign this session!